Baggers Upset that ticket price set at $549.
PLUS Also hate that Sarah Palin was paid $100,000 to attend.
They're falling apart ! I Love It !
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Click to read/Watch interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer

House and Senate Discussing Passing Health Care Through Reconciliation
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Anti-ACORN, Fake Pimp Filmmaker
President To Urge Partial Spending Freeze'
This plan is designed to actually allow the President to boost spending in certain categories while 'freezing' or reducing spending in categories declared wasteful. Plan will save $250B over 10 years. We were part of a White House conference call with Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President Jared Bernstein Monday in which he discussed a number of programs to be initiated in the Feb. 1st budget which will be revealed in the State of the Union speech Wednesday...and they sound good. Now, watch the right-wing start complaining about how terrible it is that The President wants to CONTROL SPENDING !
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