President Obama Weekly Address
Health Reform Urgent for Economy
Greg Jones to The President:
Greg again,
I sincerely hope that you are not desiring to make health insurance a mandate for the uninsured working poor through the so-called 'affordable' plan by way of tax credits. The working poor do not have excess monthly funds to be able to pay any sizable bill out of pocket they are forced to buy...if they had the cash...they would already have bought insurance (and not be standing by the thousands, in long embarrassing RAM lines for much needed free health care). They just won't have the cash and will still be forced to be uninsured. Therefore this plan would simply create uninsured 'lawbreakers' (possibly 46.5 million) who would then be afraid to go to emergency, even when vitally necessary in fear of getting 'caught' without coverage....and to think that the working poor can wait until tax time to receive the 'benefits' of this 'affordable' plan is respectfully, just plain wrong.
I, along with literally millions of others sincerely hope that you will make certain that this 'affordable' plan for the working poor is NOT based on tax credits. And don't forget Sir, we used this mandate effectively against the opposition during the campaign so if you choose to go that route it must be very conducive to the realities of the working poor....or it will end up making things much WORSE !
Once again,
Thank You Mr. President,
Much Love to our 1st Family,
Greg Jones
National Director
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