The FULL Shirley Sherrod Speech
They Didn't Want You To See
The video of Shirley Sherrod released by Andrew Brietbart's Big Government Blog and aired on Fox News on July 19 didn't tell the full story. It was selectively edited to cast her in a negative, racist light. Here is the full video, shot by the local NAACP unit that hosted Ms. Sherrod. As you'll see, Ms. Sherrod is in no way guilty of Fox News' slanderous accusations. Not only should Breitbart and Fox News be sued for slander and defamation of character, but they should both be forced to publicly apologize to Ms. Shirley Sherrod.
WATCH FULL SPEECH: Edited portion starts at 16:35
Absolutely disgusting and offensive how Fox distorted the truth here...
as if ALL Americans are ignorant.
Now that Truth has been revealed it is of vital importance
that Ms. Sherrod's job be reinstated. We must also use these tactics as motivation to Unite us all...Black, White, Red, Brown, Young and Old...to FIGHT against the weak, strategic tactics of divide and conquer.
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