Calls it " A Good Deal "
Says President " Got the BEST deal he could "
(The Oval) President Obama has just added a very big name to the growing list of Democrats backing him on the tax deal he struck with Congress this week: Former president Bill Clinton, a man who Obama said "presided over as good an economy as we've seen in our lifetime."
"This will be a significant net plus for the country," Clinton said of during a surprise joint appearance with Obama in the press briefing room.
The unusual session followed a private meeting between the two presidents in the Oval Office to discuss the economy and other issues.
"This is a good bill and I hope my fellow Democrats will approve it," Clinton said of the agreement to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for all taxpayers for two years, continue jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed and cut Social Security payroll taxes next year.
Many Democrats have opposed the deal, complaining that Obama didn't fight hard enough to cut off the tax breaks for top earners.
Clinton said Obama got the best deal he could, given Republicans' insistence on extending the tax cuts for all. He said the deal will "maximize the chances the economic recovery will accelerate and create jobs and minimize the chance it will slip."
After a quick opening statement from the two presidents, Obama said he had to rush off to a holiday party but that Clinton would stay and take questions.
"I feel awkward being here and now you're going to leave me all by myself?" Clinton said.
Whatever awkwardness he felt must have washed away fast. The former president stuck around and fielded questions on a host of subjects from taxes and the economy to Haiti and health care.
B4B NOTE: This major endorsement might put a damper on those who are Obama bashing out of still being disgruntled that Hillary lost....hating on him so she can resurrect in '12 (you know who you are). Think again...now what ? Bottom line: The O hating only helps the OTHER side. Time to Wake Up...FOR America !