by Mr Populist
I really don't care if McCain's trophy wife is proud of her country. She is just another GOP Stepford Wife as vacant as the previous ones. Whoopie for anorexic-looking Cindy McCain in her red $5000 Yves St. Laurent power suit, with her triple string of cultured pearls, her bleached blond hair and her shiny new face-lift telling us she's proud of America. Prouder of America than--- hmmmm, let's say Michelle Obama.
John McCain follows the usual "family values" profile of Republican social climbers. He divorced first wife Carol in April 1980 and married Cindy one month later. Infidelity? Heck no!... they were just "friends."
Cindy who is 18 years younger than Gramps McCain and she paid for McCain's first campaign for Congress in 1982 with loans from her well endowed trust fund. Her father's business and political contacts helped gain her husband a foothold into Arizona politics.
Cindy's biggest claim to fame is in 1989 she developed an addiction to perocet and vicodin, two powerful morphine based pain killers. In 1993 she was caught stealing percocet from supply of the American Voluntary Medical Team, a charity she founded to provide health care and medications to war victims in underdeveloped nations. The DEA was investigated her and with the intervention of her well connected parents and McCain himself, Cindy got off the hook with the usual 90 day trip to the posh rehab. The American Voluntary Medical Team folded shortly after it ceased to be a supply point for Cindy's opiate habit.
The DEA agreed to keep Cindy's little misadventure in Lala Land from the public, but then Cindy went and terminated the guy who reported her to the DEA and the details of Cindy's sordid past as a suburban trophy wife junkie all came out when the fired guy filed a wrongful termination suit against Cindy.
A few weeks after Cindy came clean about her addiction the Variety Club cancelled her Humanitarian of the Year Award. Boo hoo!... Another respectable Republican mother of the Harper Valley PTA goes down. This is just a little Peyton Place of Republican family values and Cindy's a Harper Valley hypocrite.
John McCain kept Cindy under wraps during his bid for the presidency but now that she's out there telling us she's way prouder of America than Michelle Obama, So I'm doing America a service by telling the truth, and nothing but the whole truth about Cindy.
Michelle Obama is proud of America too, but she's not Republican, garden club, percocet munching ex-cheerleader like Cindy. And she doesn't steal drugs from charitable organizations.
Michelle never had a trust fund like Cindy and she grew up under humble circumstances on Chicago's South Side. Her father was a pump operator and she managed to overcome her disadvantages as a working class black woman and attend Princeton then she graduated from Harvard Law School and met Barak at a law office where they worked together, shortly after Barack receive his law degree from Harvard. Michelle has paid enough dues to be far more credible than dozen stoned out Republican trophy wives when she tells you she is proud of America. America should be proud of Michelle Obama.
The whole thing is a bunch of nonsense. Most people have the common sense to understand what this political posturing and xenophobic flag waving from the McCain camp is all about. Call me harsh, but I'm tired of Republicans wrapping themselves in the flag and smearing perfectly decent Americans. It's time to take off the gloves. (end)