Blacks 4 Barack Launches:
Contact the DNC to let
Howard Dean know that we
feel that Hillary should step
down in a respectful manner
since she is obvously not going
to win the nomination.
This would be the right gesture
for her political future as well
as the right gesture for the
Democratic Party. Just
CLICK HERE.....respectfully request
the DNC to ask Hillary to step-down.
She is totally just stalling the inevitable.
She had us all holding our breath for the
big 'Ohio Showdown'....which was a dud...
now she's claiming pre-victory in Texas
and Ohio which is a total joke. Then after
her March 4th spanking she'll claim to be
able to come from behind in Pennsylvania,
as if she doesn't see the polls that Obama is
already within 5 points in Pa. and by primary
day he'll probably be in the lead....and win there
as well. Wake Up Hill ! Smell the coffee.
The parties over. Give it up. Call Howard Now !
Then it will be time to concentrate
on the Re-Birth Of America....
BLACKS 4 BARACKOfficial Site