"More Optimistic " about "Change"
(Real Clear Politics) In a video conference with Iowa Democrats on Tuesday night, President Obama made his case for another term. Obama outlined his progress during his first term and asked for their help in the upcoming campaign.
Obama also reminisced about his 2008 bid for the presidency.
"We've still got a lot of work to do. But think about the change that was accomplished because of those caucuses four years ago," Obama said in a message that was distributed to more than 200 Democratic caucus locations throughout the state of Iowa.
"In some ways I'm actually more optimistic now than I was when we first ran, because we've already seen change take place," Obama said when asked whether he still believed in 'hope and change,' his signature slogan of the 2008 election cycle.
"Part of what 2012 is about is about reminding the American people how far we've traveled and the concrete effects that some of our work has had in terms of making sure people have health insurance," Obama also said.
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